Mortgage Quest Version 4.1.6


New Features and Enhancements

Mortgage Quest 4.1.6 adds many new features and services.


A new image manager allows you to upload images to the Market Focus image website and reference them in Mortgage Quest e-mail templates.

A new option automatically sets the Loan Cycle Send Mode to email when creating new borrower and contact records either manually or when importing from another program.

You can now set a group to show all people who are in a specific marketing campaign.

In the Multi-User Enterprise version, you can create assistant accounts which are restricted from creating records in their name.

The register screen has a new field for a license number. This number is written on all letters and e-mail sent from Mortgage Quest.

A new importing option uses the loan id to determine if the record exists in Mortgage Quest.

A new field on the marketing tab shows the name of the original loan originator. This is set when importing from a LOS system, like Calyx or Encompass.