Read Borrowers

This feature reads borrower data from another program or data file and creates new borrower records in Mortgage Quest. If a borrower already exists in Mortgage Quest the record will be updated with the imported information.

If the loan program has a section that identifies the contacts or agents involved with the loan, Mortgage Quest will create contact records and create the related parties group automatically.

To read new borrowers:

1.  Click the Import  icon.

2.  Select the name of the other program or the template name from the Read Data From list.

3.  If you are using the Multi-User Enterprise system, select the Mortgage Quest user from the list of users. You can also select All Loan Officers from the list. However, you should map loan officer IDs to all Mortgage Quest users before you use the All Loan Officers option.

4.  If you mapped Rep IDs to Mortgage Quest users, only files that match the Other Program Loan Officer ID data will be read. If this field is blank, all files are read and created in the name of the loan officer selected.

5.  Click Read Borrowers.

6.  When Mortgage Quest reads borrowers from another program or data file, it searches its Borrowers database to see if the record already exists. Mortgage Quest will not create another borrower record if it finds a match. A match is found in one of the following conditions:

7.  Social Security numbers match.

8.  Loan IDs match.

9.  If the social security numbers and loan IDs don’t match, Mortgage Quest uses the primary borrower's first and last name.

10. If Mortgage Quest doesn't find a matching borrower, it will create a new record in the Borrowers database.

11. If a borrower has been previously imported, Mortgage Quest updates the record with new imported information. If the Update All option is set to Yes, Mortgage Quest updates all previously imported records. If it is not set, only open loans and prospects are updated. Closed loans are not updated. This improves importing performance.