Personal Info Screen

The Personal Info screen contains demographic information, such as birthdays and anniversaries for the borrower and co-borrower.


·      SSN - Social Security Number

·      Gender – select the button indicating male or female

·      Employer - Place and address of work

·      Position - Position held at place of employment

·      Ethnicity - Ethnicity of primary borrower

·      Marital Status - Marital status of primary borrower

·      Salary – Gross monthly salary

·      FICO - Credit scores

·      Years on Job - Number of years on the job

·      Self Employed – Mark if self employed

·      Anniversary - Enter the day, month and current year to be reminded when the anniversary expires

·      Birthday – Date of birth.

·      Total Income - Combined income of borrower and co-borrower

·      Ages – current ages of borrower and co-borrower

·      Total Debts - Total debt

·      Debt Ratio - Total Debt divided by Total Income

·      Children’s Birthdays – Enter the first names only and each child’s date of birth.